Durango Chamber Music Festival

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 910 E. 3rd Ave., Durango, CO, United States

The Durango Chamber Music Festival includes 5 weekday afternoon concerts from June 10 through June 14, perfect events for a quick lunchtime musical getaway. These performances are only 30 minutes by design, so that folks can get on with their busy lives, and our Academy students can get back to class! The Summer Camps are […]

Durango Chamber Music Festival MONDAY

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 910 E. 3rd Ave., Durango, CO, United States

MONDAY, June 10, 12:15pm: Mostly Mozart St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Durango W.A. Mozart, String Quartet in B-flat Major, K. 458, "The Hunt" Richard Silvers and Tennille Taylor, violins Lauren Avery, viola; Katherine Jetter, cello Tickets for each DCMF concert are available online by visiting www.durangoconcerts.com, and there will be additional tickets available at the door on […]

Durango Chamber Music Festival TUESDAY

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 910 E. 3rd Ave., Durango, CO, United States

TUESDAY, June 11, 12:15pm: Lyrical and Romantic St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Durango "Limerock" arranged by Mark O'Connor Lauren Avery and Molly Jensen, violins David Popper, "Gavotte No. 2" Katherine Jetter, cello, and Lisa Campi Walters, piano Amy Cheney Beach, "Romance" Richard Silvers, violin, and Holly Quist, piano Astor Piazzola, "Oblivion Trio" Molly Jensen, violin, Katherine […]

Durango Chamber Music Festival WEDNESDAY

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 910 E. 3rd Ave., Durango, CO, United States

WEDNESDAY, June 12, 12:15pm: Percussion and Keyboards St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Durango C.W. Gluck (arr. Anderson & Roe), Ballet from Orphee et Eurydice Mika Inouye & Sarah Inouye Mano, pianos Aram Khachaturian (arr. Anderson & Roe), Sabre Dance from Gayane Mika Inouye & Sarah Inouye Mano, pianos Astor Piazzola, "Libertango" Mika Inouye, Sarah Inouye Mano, and Lisa […]

Durango Chamber Music Festival THURSDAY

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 910 E. 3rd Ave., Durango, CO, United States

THURSDAY, June 13, 12:15pm: Friends of the Festival Trio St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Durango Rochelle Mann, flute; Susan Doering, violin; Dieter Wulfhorst, cello Music of Domenico Gallo, Peter Schickele, Nancy Lau, and Marco Uccellini Tickets for each DCMF concert are available online by visiting www.durangoconcerts.com, and there will be additional tickets available at the door on […]

Durango Chamber Music Festival FRIDAY

Roshong Recital Hall in Jones Hall, Fort Lewis College 1463 E 8th Ave, Durango, CO, United States

FRIDAY, June 14: Academy Student Recitals -FREE Roshong Hall, Jones Hall, Fort Lewis College, Durango 12:15pm: Final Recital of the 2024 Chamber Music Academy and Young Musicians Camp 2:30pm: Final Recital of the 2024 Piano Academy at Fort Lewis College Free Concerts for all audiences with a suggested donation of $20 at the door!  

Beyond the Concert Hall: The Majesty of Christmas

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 910 E. 3rd Ave., Durango, CO, United States

BEYOND THE CONCERT HALL: The Majesty of Christmas Join the SJS Chamber Singers, Chamber groups, and more as they perform heartfelt holiday selections. We are back again with TWO different performance times for friends of the symphony to enjoy! Friday, December 20th 4pm and 7pm St. Mark's Episcopal Church- Durango Tickets available online or by […]

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